There is almost any television kids' franchise that suffered the test of time. In the 1980s, Transformers fixed the attention of young people every Saturday morning. But with the rise time with the new CGI series Transformers, Hollywood makeover, a completely new era of Transformers addicts have been introduced to attract the classic story.

Many of the traditional generationTransformers first obtain a fantastic price tag at this time via the internet supplier. Do you believe that more than two decades ago a plastic robot figures change the type of action can be sold for three times the retail price? A special edition of Transformers figures can go for more than $ 100 in some cases! This is true, in particular, to action figures Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, "good people" of the story.

Constructicons fun to build a robot equipped with a powerful six-piece named Super Devastator, keeping step with the action figures of the eighties. Transformers Decepticons no single number capable of mixing to create a super transformers. Supporting the television show nineteen eighties will remember the Dinobots, the Autobots with dinosaur shapes persona and liked by the children even to this day. A prominent leader of Dinobot, Grimlock, can sell only as much as Optimus Prime or Megatron.
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